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信息来源:2023澳门原料网大全 发布日期:2020-11-26 18:45:00 更新日期:2023-08-22 21:35:02

  学术讲座《从音乐作品的形式分析到内涵体验——以贝多芬< 钢琴奏鸣曲>(Op.106)第三乐章为例》

  Academic Lecture  From the Form Analyses of Music Work to the Experience Connotation —Taking the 3rd Movement of Beethoven's Piano Sonata (Op.106) for Example


  Lecturer: Gao Fuxiao





  The relationship between the form and content of music works is a tough question in musical aesthetics. Two core viewpoints have taken shape in the history of musical thoughts: one focusing on music form and one on music expression. In the musical aesthetic experience, form and content are two inseparable parts closely linked to each other, forming an organic fusion in people's cognition and understanding. Based on the music excerpt of the third movement of Beethoven's "Piano Sonata (Op.106)" as an example, the lecture combines form analysis, listening experiments, and interpretation of creative content, in an effort to verify this question: content exists in art music; the experience connotation is an understanding process from form to spirit; there are certain cultural differences in experience connotation of music between China and the West, but it is possible to interpret their commons.




  Gao Fuxiao, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Deputy Director of the Graduate Department of Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM). He was a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford in the UK, and visiting scholar at the University of Chicago in the US. His main research areas are music aesthetics, performance theory and music criticism. The undergraduate and graduate courses he offers at CCOM include "Introduction to Music Performance Aesthetics", "Music Performance Research" and "Dissertation Writing". He published monographs "Expectation and Style: A study on Meyer's Aesthetics of Music", "The Art of Musical Performance", "Basics of Thesis Writing for Students of Musical Performance", and dozens of papers. He has been selected into the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of the Ministry of Education, supported by Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation and Art Project of National Social Science Foundation of China. He has presided over and participated in the completion of a number of national scientific research projects. He won the first prize of the "Society Award" of the Chinese Society of Music Criticism, Excellence Award of Theoretical Criticism of the Chinese Golden Bell Award for Music, and the "Woodpecker Cup" Annual Outstanding Work Award of China Literature and Art Critics Association.