
Thematic Website



信息来源:2023澳门原料网大全 发布日期:2020-11-26 18:38:00 更新日期:2023-08-22 21:35:01


  Beethoven-Themed Original Work


  A Cappella   We Are Here Singing for You


  Composed by: Chen Yonggang


  Performed by: Confucius Institute Choir at the University of Nairobi, Kenya



  作品选取贝多芬的第五、第六交响乐(Op.67,Op.68)以及第八钢琴奏鸣曲第二乐章(Op.13-II)的重要主题作为创作素材,并借用了一首简单而流传广泛的英文爱情诗歌《How do I tell you》最后的语句。整部作品表达了对贝多芬这位作曲大师的爱戴和敬意。



  How do I say I love you?

  How do I tell you I care?

  How do I tell you I've missed you,

  and let you know I'm here?


  In this work, the composer selected the important themes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony (Op.67) and the second movement of the Eighth Piano Sonata (Op.13-II) as musical materials, and borrowed from the fifth movement of the Sixth Symphony (Op.68) in the end. By performing the joy and happiness after the storm that Beethoven depicted, the work is to express the confidence that mankind will finally defeat the current coronavirus epidemic and the love and respect for the great composer Beethoven.

  The composer also borrowed the last lines from How do I tell you, a simple and widely known love poem in English as part of the lyrics.

  How do I say I love you?

  How do I tell you I care?

  How do I tell you I've missed you,

  and let you know I'm here?




  Chen Yonggang, composer, Ph.D., Professor of Composition Department of Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM), Ph.D. supervisor. He started to learn piano at the age of nine with his grandmother. He studied French horn, composition and orchestration at CCOM Middle School and CCOM under the mentorship of prof. He Zhenjing, prof. Li Binyang, prof. Xu Zhenmin, prof. Du Mingxin, and prof. Liu Lin. He earned his doctorate in 2001 with the dissertation Polystylism in Schnittke's Music: an Analysis of his Eighth Symphony. He spent one year and a half in Germany as a visiting scholar between 2004 and 2006, under the auspices of China Scholarship Council. There he studied music composition with German composer prof. Walter Zimermann, and earned the "Meisterschüler-Examen" degree in music composition from the University of the Arts Berlin (der Universit?t der Künste Berlin). His music was performed in many music festivals both home and abroad. He writes a wide range of music in different genres with varying styles, among which many are chamber music and orchestral works.


  肯尼亚内罗毕大学中文合唱团系天津师范大学和肯尼亚内罗毕大学共同创办非洲首家孔子学院专属合唱团,成立于2006年,目前已发展为内大孔院的名片之一, 常年活跃于肯尼亚各类大型活动中。团员们热爱中国文化和中文歌曲,以无伴奏四声部合唱及载歌载舞的表演形式,演绎着自己对中国文化的理解。


  The Confucius Institute Choir at the University of Nairobi, Kenya is the exclusive choir of the Africa's first Confucius Institute jointly established by Tianjin Normal University and the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Established in 2006, the choir has now become one of the brands of the Confucius Institute at the University of Nairobi, and has actively performed in various large-scale events in Kenya for many years. With the love of Chinese culture and Chinese songs, the choir members interpret their understandings of Chinese culture in a cappella with four-part choir and singing and dancing performances.